Preparing for Tanzania...
If you would like to help Maggie in Tanzania with the Dare pads they would appreciate any donations of these microfiber cloth packs of 10 from Carrefour. If you would like to donate please bring them to the next volunteer morning on the 4th November or contact Nalini for a drop off. We will bring them with us next month when we go for the distributions.
We are also looking for any used bags no longer needed that we can use for our upcoming distribution. What we learned last distribution is that it is better to bring bags that we CAN LEAVE as they truly appreciate the luggage too.
We are in NEED OF the IKEA Blue bags that zip all the way, as seen in the picture below.
ALSO we are asking if anyone has any LARGE duffle type bags that they no longer need (see below). We would appreciate any donations of such. The ones on wheels but no extension handle are the best in terms of weight and portability but we will consider all ;-)