Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Die Cutter - Our Big Wish List Item

I am posting this video to show you all the Die Cutter (Studio mark Grand 2) we are currently trying to obtain donations for to cover the total cost. All up this Die Cutter (plus shipping) will cost us around 400 rial. If you see how quickly and efficiently this cutter pumps out shields you will understand how beneficial it will be to our teams. For the ladies who were on the "Marking" and "Cutting" tables last volunteer morning you will be giddy with excitement to see how fast we could get shields and how many hours of marking and cutting it will save (not to mention the blisters!).

Supporting the Dress Sale

As mentioned at the last Volunteer Morning we are being supported by this great upcoming event. It is a great way to sell off your gowns, bags, shoes etc, or donate or buy something for yourself. Please help support the Charity Dress Sale and send this flyer onto your friends around Muscat.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Join us for our 2nd Volunteer Morning

The countdown is on for our 2nd volunteer morning on the 8th May. The fabrics are being washed and prepared, machines are being cleaned, and we are gearing up for another fun morning. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Our First Volunteer Day!

What an amazing day we had. The energy in the room was uplifting and with such beautiful, strong, talented, and caring women what more could we expect. Our first volunteer morning was very successful and we have learned a lot that will help us for our next meeting on the 8th of May. Here are some pictures of our lovely volunteers and again a huge thank you to the Bahja Hall management and team who took care of us so well and graciously supported us with the use of their lovely room.  (If anyone does not wish for their photo to be posted please let me know as I forgot to ask on the morning).

Thank You

THANK YOU! The Muscat ladies have been very thoughtful collecting soaps and purchasing soaps, fabric and threads,  underwear,  and washcloths . We are excited to be meeting again on the 8th May

Friday, April 15, 2016


Sunday, our first volunteer morning, is fast approaching and we are looking forward to meeting those of you who can make it (for how ever long you can). 

If friends are asking how they can contribute to the girl's kits please share with them our call out for panties and washcloths.

We hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sewing the Days for Girls Drawstring Bag

Some of the volunteers coming on Sunday may want to watch this as we will be making these along with the liners and shields (videos a few posts down).

The excitement is building!

Panties Please

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Donations of Cotton Fabric for Shields and Bags

We use new cotton fabric to make the Days for Girls shields and drawstring bags. 

To get the most yield from a cut of fabric we suggest a 2.25 mtrs - 2.50mtrs piece. Of course any length longer than 5 inches (13cm) is welcome.

You can bring the fabric along on the 17th Volunteer morning or we have drop off points in Atheiba or MQ (looking for someone on the Ruwi and Wave side who might also collect donations for us please).

Please remember for cultural reasons no animals, reptiles, bugs, war, camo, or glam. Floral and geometrical prints in medium to dark colours are best.

If you have the time to wash, dry and press it before donating that is greatly appreciated. When pre-washing fabric we do not use detergents or softeners as they can be an irritant to some girls, just adding a ¼ cup of white vinegar is ideal. 

Thank you for helping us keep girls in school.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Our First Volunteer Morning

How excited are we that our first volunteer morning is fast approaching. Please come and join us to learn about Days for Girls and join in with the sewing and non-sewing tasks.