Friday, December 2, 2016

Break in Transmission - Service will resume in January

(now who is old enough to know what that means?)

Good morning lovely DfG ladies, 

It is with HUGE regret that I need to advise that ALL DfG activities for the month of December are to be cancelled. You can imagine how gutted I am as this upcoming volunteer day was to be our great "pack" day. 

Currently I am in hospital, which was quite unexpected, as I am having some neck and spine issues. The great news is that I will most likely return home in next day or two, however I will be unable to do much at all. I have limited neck movement and can not lift anything nor sit at the sewing machine or a computer for any long periods. Besides that my brain is la-la-mushy.

I truly did consider going ahead with our volunteer day, and the fair tomorrow, and the sewing classes but taking a "supervisor" (lol) role but to be honest getting ready for these events I need to pull things out of the very many boxes in the DfG room and on the medication I am on at the moment I just can't get things straight in my head (haha now I know some of you think I am a muddle head like that all the time!!!! but this time I have an excuse ). 

Every now the universe comes along and gives us a little wake-up call about our life and health. Well Ms. Universe has rightly whooped my butt this time and YES I am now listening ;-)

I love you ladies, and that is not the pethidine talking, and I look forward to a very productive January together. 

xxx Cloda