Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Tanzania distribution

The time has finally arrived, and we are off to Tanzania! 

A huge thank you to everyone who worked so hard and contributed so kindly to get us to this point.  Lise, Jane, Helen and myself are proud to represent the amazing Muscat team.  500+ kits changing lives one kit at a time. Arusha and Mambo we are coming!!!

We will resume volunteer days in February with a huge push to sew ALL our remaining cuts and fabric for kits for our final distribution in India. I will try to keep you posted on our trip while in Tanzania .

The trip was originally planned for November but had to be postponed.  In the week leading up to the 24th, when I went to book my ticket, I suddenly realised my passport was short 3 days for the six month validity rule - imagine my horror. 

A quick dash to Dubai to try and get an expedited passport still wasn't enough to meet our deadline. I felt horrible like I had let the team down but as we all know "life happens" and there was no point dwelling and my travel partners were very understanding - thank you ladies.

We soldiered on and rebooked. Myself, Jane, Helen and Lise are leaving early 7th January for Arusha where we will meet up with Maggie and distribute the Days for Girls kits. We are taking 500 kits made by you all (cannot thank you enough for all that you do) and we have purchased a further 100 kits from a DFG Enterprise in Arusha. 

Another lady in the US heard we were going there and sent a further 40 kits, with a friend travelling to Arusha. Yikes! Can you believe we will reaching out to 540 women and girls - AMAZING! We will have two distributions in Arusha and then we are heading up the mountains to two remote villages and distributing there.

Two beautiful ladies knocked me over by offering to pay for the freight to send 200 kits in advance as the excess baggage fees were too much. These kits left in December and will be waiting for us when we arrive.

We are very excited. Thank you for your support, your patience, your understanding and your desire to make life a little better for these women.

VOLUNTEER MORNING - We will hold our next volunteer morning (January 20th TBC) after we return from the distribution. 

LEADERSHIP - To those of you who attended the last volunteer morning I am grateful for your feedback and comments regarding my stepping down as the chapter leader after the India distribution in March.  We are actively seeking someone to take over the leadership of the team. Preferably this amazing woman will be Omani to help further the cause of DFG within Oman and take it through the correct ministry channels etc. So please spread the word. The team is well set up and it won't take too much co-ordination to keep the team running now.

GOALS - Our goals for the next few months are to:
  - complete the Tanzanian distribution 
  - plan and execute the India distribution. We hope to go to India in March. All the sewing now will be gearing up to this distribution.

COURIERS - If you are traveling to USA or have someone visiting please let us know if they could bring some Gallon Freezer style ziplocs for us. We can pay and deliver.

Sorry for the silence on this end ladies, and thank you for your continued support and patience.  Pictures and updates from Tanzania will be sent asap!

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